Occupy This! : Musings from the Middle East

My adventure in Israel and Palestine begins.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Tues.- JULY 4 : Random thoughts

It's almost the end of another busy work day for me. I can't remember if I mentioned what I do here in Nazareth. I'm interning for The Follow-up Committee on Arab Education. This NGO basically deals with the discrimination against Israeli Arab students within Israel. Did you know that Arab students make up 25% of the student population in Israel but are only given a fraction of what Jewish schools get in terms of resources and funding. The government actually has "areas of preference" which are given more money. When you look at how badly the Arab minority in Israel is treated you can't help but compare it to the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s in America. Check this out...There is Nazareth (the old city) and Nazareth Illit (pronounce "elite"). That's where the posh Jewish population lives. It's amazing how bad the racism is here. You literally can't say the word "Palestine" in West Jerusalem or Tel Aviv. It's scary.

Ok now for some silly random thoughts;

-I was watching the Brazil game on German television and the only words I could understand were. "Ronaldo....Weight Watchers...." I laughed out loud. Poor Ronaldo, everyone knows he's fat.

-There is a "Pancakes and Crip" shop in town! I love the misspelled words. It's awesome and so endearing.

-The mean old Spaniards are gone and I kinda miss them. It's kinda quiet without 3000 old people running around the hotel and city. Who will shove me? Who will trip over their own baggage and then look at ME! as if it were my fault????

That's it. I've been invited to go see the Germans play Italy tonight at 10pm. I'm tired as hell but I can't miss it.

will write more tomorrow.


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